2023-24 LS Exam Review (FREE*)

*The cost is FREE, but we please ask for any amount of donation. To sign-up and receive the virtual meeting link without a donation, please choose $0.00 and proceed through checkout. The donated money goes directly into programs like this LS Review, local college survey courses and yearly education scholarships to surveying students.

Review hosted in person at Caltrans District 11 in San Diego and also via MS Teams virtual platform.

*Schedule subject to change:

  • 12/7/2023 6:00-9:00pm BPELSG / Legal Descriptions - Part 1

  • 12/14/2023 6:30-9:00pm Legal Descriptions - Part 1

  • 12/21/2023 No Class

  • 12/28/2023 No Class

  • 1/4/2024 6:30-9:00pm Public Lands

  • 1/11/2024 6:30-9:00pm Public Lands

  • 1/18/2024 6:30-9:00pm Public Lands

  • 1/25/2024 6:30-9:00pm Sub-Map Act (SMA), PLS Act

  • 2/1/2024 6:30-9:00pm Business Practices

  • 2/8/2024 6:30-9:00pm Boundary

  • 2/15/2024 6:30-9:00pm Boundary

  • 2/22/2024 6:30-9:00pm Riparian

  • 2/29/2024 6:30-9:00pm Photogrammetry, Map Standards

  • 3/7/2024 6:30-9:00pm California Coordinates

  • 3/14/2024 6:30-9:00pm Error Analysis

  • 3/21/2024 6:30-9:00pm GNSS, GPS, Geodesy

  • 3/28/2024 6:30-9:00pm Construction

  • 4/4/2024 6:30-9:00pm Review / Mock Exam

Cuyamaca College Survey Program

To become a student member of San Diego CLSA you must simply be a student pursuing the career of Land Surveying or Geospatial Engineering and pay the $15 annual dues. Once you become a member you will get access to our monthly meetings, training programs and a career long support system, it is highly recommended that new member attend the monthly meetings this way all the corporate representatives have a chance to meet & greet with you. We are also very proud to say that we currently are running a 100% student placement in our program.* There are also four $500 scholarships available** 

Here are your benefits as a CLSA member:

1.    Free dinner on your first meeting.
2.    Access to all the firms looking to hire
3.    $100 for an A in every survey class taken at Cuyamaca college.
4.    $50 for a B in every survey class taken at Cuyamaca college.

In addition to CLSA, the following companies have donated equipment to the program.

1.    AGPS, free subscription to VRS GPS solutions
2.    Allen Instruments, survey supplies, repair, and upgrades
3.    Eletro Optical, survey supplies, repair, and upgrades
4.    ABC surveying Instruments
5.    Prism equipment, survey supplies
6.    Caltrans, survey equipment
7.    Rick Engineering, GPS systems and equipment
8.    SB&O, survey equipment
9.    Dimensions Land Surveying, survey equipment
10.    Craig & Associates Inc, survey equipment
11.    Alta Land Surveying, Inc., survey equipment
12.    Otay Water District, survey equipment
13.    Robert Bosch Tool Corporation, survey equipment
14.    Snipes Dye & Associates, survey equipment
15.    Trimble Corporation, survey equipment, repair, and upgrades
16.    Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc, survey equipment and repair
17.    Leica Geosystems, , survey equipment and repairs
18.    Dodd’s Land Surveying, survey equipment
19.    Tipple Land Surveying, survey equipment
20.    Southland Land Surveying, survey equipment
21.    Michael Baker International, survey equipment
22.    Brisendine Land Services, survey equipment

* This is just an current statistic and my no means a guarantee of employment

** Two schollarships will be awarded in each sysmester

Palomar College GIS and UAV Courses

Palomar College is offering Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Associate’s Degree and Certificate programs along with courses involving UAV’s. Please see the link below to view the course information on their website.